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Swift Coding Challenges Book Details
Title: Swift Coding Challenges
Author: Narendar Singh Saini
Language: English
Subject: Swift / Computers & Technology / Programming / Apple Programming
No. of pages: 311
Format EPUB
Preface Ios Developer Solutions Guide
This book is very practical. How? When we develop apps, we see many problems. As a result, we are stuck somewhere, and then, based on the situation, we either publish the app right away or we delay our app delivery. If we publish the app without taking care of some other code side effects, then it directly affects our users/customers. Moreover, even if we delay our app delivery, we directly affect our users/customers. Thus, the problem here to determine how to cut down development problems.
This Ios Developer Solutions Guide book is a solution guide for all your development problems. This will speed up your app delivery. Your apps will be more stable than before. You will have less release cycles. When adding new features or modifying existing features, there will be very less chances of side effects or any code break. Code base will be well organized. So many things will be automated. Basically, everything will be streamlined.
This book is divided into 10 chapters. Chapter 1 will show all the problems/roadblocks in short and from chapters 2 to 10, you will see solutions for each roadblock.
About content Ios Developer Solutions Guide book
Chapter 1 will talk about major development roadblocks when developing iOS apps.
Chapter 2 will explain why design patterns and design principles are important for developing stable and less buggy apps. You will see that if you apply principles and patterns, you can avoid code side effects when you add new features or modify existing features in the app. This chapter will explain dependency injection (DI), code decoupling, separation of concerns (SoC), KISS, YAGNI, DRY, SOLID principles along with a few design patterns with examples.
Chapter 3 will explain the functional aspect of the Swift programming language. This language is new and has adopted many good features from other programming languages. We will take a deep look at those powerful features such as generics, protocols, closures, optionals, and so on. We will also cover how errors can be handled gracefully to avoid any unexpected behavior for your app users.
Chapter 4 will show how apps can be developed using MVC architecture and will explain each MVC component in detail. Moreover, it will discuss problems that many developers face in MVC based projects.
Chapter 5 will explain benefits of MVVM architecture by comparing it with MVC. This chapter will also develop your skill set for taking the right decision while selecting architecture for the app.
Chapter 6 will show you how test-driven development (TDD) builds a solid net around your code. You will see TDD misconceptions, benefits, guidelines and type of testing in this chapter.
Chapter 7 will show you all the 4 approaches (XIB/Storyboard/Code/SwiftUI) for building user interfaces for your iOS apps. This chapter will give you confidence for taking the right approach for building your app’s UI, by showing different UI scenarios. It will also cover pros and cons of each approach.
Chapter 8 will teach you framework creation. You will know more about XCFrameworks and different distribution options such as cocoa pods, swift package manager, carthage and manual distribution. You will also see Apple silicon (M1/M2) chip issues when building the frameworks for devices and simulators. This chapter will also talk about framework optimization and framework monetization.
Chapter 9 will explain the benefits of scripts Ios Developer Solutions Guide. You will learn how things can be automated by writing scripts. In this chapter, you will also see the most useful terminal commands.
Chapter 10 will talk about backend driven UI development (aka server driven UI or SDUI). You will see how the apps in the future will follow this technique for decreasing app release cycle. You will see all benefits of this technique as well as complexity involved for developing it.