Advanced Git Ray Wenderlich Book Details
Title: Advanced Git
Author: Jawwad Ahmad & Chris Belanger
Publisher: Ray Wenderlich
Language: English
No. of pages: 406
Format: EPUB, Source code
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Introduction Advanced Git Book
There are usually two reasons a person picks up a Advanced Git book about Git: one, they are unusually curious about how the software works at a deeper level; or two, they’re frustrated and need something to solve their problems now.
Whatever situation brought you here, welcome! I’m happy to have you onboard. I came to write this book for both of the above reasons. I am a tinkerer and hacker by nature, and I love going deep into the internals of software to see what makes them tick. But I, like you, found Git at first to be an inscrutable piece of software. My brain, which had been trained in software development through the late 1990s, found version control packages like SVN soothing, with their familiar client-server architecture, Windows shell integration, and rather straightforward, albeit heavy, processes.
When I came to use Git and GitHub about seven years ago, I found it inscrutable at best; it seemed no matter which way I turned, Git was telling me I had a merge conflict, or it was merging changes from the master branch into my current branch, or quite often complaining about unstaged changes. And why was it called a “pull request”, when clearly I was trying to push my changes into the master branch?
Little by little, I learned more about how Git worked; how to solve some of the common issues I encountered, and I eventually got to a point where I felt comfortable using it on a daily basis.
Enter the video courses
In early 2017, my colleague Sam Davies created a conference talk, titled “Mastering Git”, and from that, two video courses at raywenderlich.com: “Beginning Git” and “Mastering Git”. Those two courses form the basis of this book, but it always nagged me a little that, while Sam’s video version of the material was quite pragmatic and tied nicely into using both the command line and graphical tools to solve common Git workflow problems, I always felt like there was a bit of detail missing; the kind of information that would lead a curious mind to say “I see the how, but I really want to know more about the why. This book gives a little more background on the why: or, in other words, “Why the %^&$ did you do that to my repository, Git?!” Underneath the hood, you’ll find that Git has a rather simple and elegant architecture, which is
why it scales so well to the kinds of globally distributed projects that use Git as their version control software, via GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, or other cloud repository management solutions.
And while GUI-based Git frontends like Tower or GitHub Desktop are great at minimizing effort, they abstract you away from the actual guts of Git. That’s why this Advanced Git book takes a command-line-first approach, so that you’ll gain a better understanding of the various actions that Git takes to manage your repositories — and more importantly, you’ll gain a better understanding of how to fix things when Git does things that don’t seem to make much sense.