Advanced Android App Architecture Ray Wenderlich Book Details
Title: Advanced Android App Architecture
Author: Yun Cheng and Aldo Olivares Domínguez
Publisher: Ray Wenderlich
Language: English
No. of pages: 250
Format: PDF, EPUB, Source code
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Introduction Advanced Android App Architecture Books
Do you remember when you made your first “Hello World” app on Android? From there, you likely progressed to creating complex user interfaces to display data, made web calls to APIs and managed the persistence of data. As the Android apps you built became more complex, you might have wondered if there were coding best practices available to make your apps more extensible, maintainable and testable. Perhaps you even wondered how to architect your apps so they’re best suited to your particular needs.
Given that Google (until very recently) did not provide an opinion on app architecture, Android developers were left to come up with their own. Architecture patterns like MVC, MVP, MVVM, MVI and Viper are debated passionately among Android developers. So, what are these patterns and which one is the best?
The short answer to the latter question is that it depends on your particular app and its needs. With that in mind, this book aims to guide you to an informed decision by answering the former question in detail.
What is this Advanced Android App Architecture book?
Throughout this Advanced Android App Architecture book, you’ll work with one sample project named WeWatch. You’ll build this project multiple times using each of these architecture patterns. During this process, you’ll get a hands-on comparison of the patterns and gain a deeper understanding of the theory behind them.
Who is this book written for?
This book is for you if:
- You’re a developer who already has a basic understanding of creating Android apps in Kotlin.
- You want to take your apps to the next level with robust architecture.
- You’re familiar with unit testing with JUnit and want to write unit tests for your app.
How to use this book
It’s not necessary to read the chapters in this Advanced Android App Architecture book in order. Feel free to jump to the architecture pattern that interests you the most. If there are concepts that are covered in another chapter, you’ll be directed to those chapters for more information. For instance, the sample project uses the following Android Architecture Components at various points in the book: Room, LiveData, ViewModel and data binding, so you may want to read the Android Architecture Components chapter for more information. The project also makes use of RxJava in some chapters, so be sure to check out the RxJava chapter if you need a primer on that library.
Why is app architecture important?
The idea behind the app architecture patterns presented in this book is that they all exist to help you design your app in such a way that allows the app to be maintainable as it scales. Two concepts, in particular, are useful: separation of concerns and unit testing.
Firstly, separation of concerns deals with separating the components of your app by responsibility. For example, when you update the UI of your app with a fancy new design, you want to do so without having to change any of the other code, such as the underlying data.
As you add more features to your app, you want to do so without having to change too much of your existing code. Finally, as your app grows, you want to be able to test the app to ensure you didn’t break the logic of existing features. Now that you know the motivation behind app architecture, it’s time to get yourself acquainted with the sample project in the Advanced Android App Architecture book.